Efeito da cobertura de palmeiras e da distância da floresta sobre a distribuição de musgos na floresta nacional de Silvânia, Goiás, Brasil
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Vera Lúcia Gomes-Klein
Facilitation is the ecological process in which a species favors the establishment of another
species in a determined environment increasing their survival and reproduction. The occurrence of
facilitator plants may be important for the distribution of some species in harsh environments, such as
the case of mosses in environments with low humidity and high temperature. Our aim was to investigate
if palm trees favor the occurrence of mosses in an area of Cerrado senso stricto in the Floresta Nacional
de Silvânia, Goiás, Brazil. For this purpose, we test the effect of abundance and cover of Syagrus
flexuosa (Arecaceae) in the Cerrado plots on the richness and abundance of mosses. Additionally, we
test if the richness and abundance of mosses are higher in plots close to forest than in most distant plots.
Our results showed that plots with higher palm tree cover had higher moss richness and abundance.
Nevertheless, the moss distribution was not influenced by palm tree abundance, which can be explained by asymmetric growth pattern of S. flexuosa. Additionally, we found that more distant plots had lower
richness and abundance of mosses than the areas closer to the forest. Our outcomes show the mossespalm
tree association may facilitate the occurrence of mosses in dry environments, as the Cerrado senso
Ambientes xéricos, Cerrado, Facilitação, Interação musgo-coqueiro, Xeric environment, Cerrado, Facilitation, Moss-palm tree interaction
PORFÍRIO JÚNIOR, Eder Dasdoriano; ARAÚJO, Walter Santos de; GOMES-KLEIN, Vera Lúcia. Efeito da cobertura de palmeiras e da distância da floresta sobre a distribuição de musgos na floresta nacional de Silvânia, Goiás, Brasil. Biologia Neotropical, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 1-7, jan./jun. 2016. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/RBN/article/view/29754/22015>.