Zélia, uma paixão? Jornalismo literário, biografias e suas comunicações possíveis

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Nowadays, the biggest amount of biographies published in Brazil are designed and written by journalists. Although many of them are classified as literature, these biographies concieved by communication professionals have specific characteristics which distinguish them from other biographical publications written by professionals of other fieds of study. The techniques that can be found in these reports resemble those used by daily journalists in their costumary practice, except for the literary treatment, used to delegate greater fluency and attractiveness to the text. Many theorists and scholars of social communication and journalism classify such biographical works as a sub-gender of the literary journalism, not only literature. This study aims to highlight the characteristics that distinguish the biographies written by journalists from the others, through analysis of the biographical narrative Zélia, uma paixão, written by a journalist, and novelist as well, Fernando Sabino.



Jornalismo Literário, Fernando Sabino, Zélia Maria Cardoso de Mello, Biografia, Teorias do jornalismo, Literatura de não-ficção, Literary journalism, Biography, Journalism theories, Non-fiction literature


Ferreira, Raíssa Martins de Araujo. Zélia, uma paixão? Jornalismo literário, biografias e suas comunicações possíveis. 2010. 126 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.