Correlação constatada entre a flutuação populacional de pragas do algodoeiro e alguns fatores meteorológicos observados em Goiânia estado de Goiás 1974 - 1975

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Antônio Lopes da SIlva


A survey of some of the insect pests which attack the cotton crop in Goiânia Country State Goiãs, was undertaken to ve rífy the possible influence of meteorological factors, such as rain and temperature, on the populational fluctuations of the fo.!_ lowing species : labama argillaeea {Huebn., 1818) (Lepidoptera .. Noctuidae] Heliothie vireseens (Fabr.,1871) (Lep1doptera-Noctuidae} Platyedra (Peetinophora) gossypiella (Saund.,1844)-( L!_ pidoptera-Gelechiidae} Saaptoearis divergens (Froesch.,1960} - ( Hemiptera -Cydnidae) he insects were collected through the use of light traps, of the "Luiz de Queiroz " type, using fluorescent ligth The meteorological data of the region were also computed lhe correlations between the meteorological data and the populational fluctuations of the studied species were ca1culated. lhe results indicated that Alabama argiltaeea appeared during the entire year with acme population observed in March. By means of the obtained correlation, it was determined that the rainfall was beneficial to the high population of this insect pest; Hetiothis 1 viresaens􀈯 appeared from January to July, with three population peaks, in April, May, and June. The correlation in regard to the monthly average temperature was negative and it was observed that temperatures dec11ning from 169 to 12ÇC were Beneficial to the high population of this insect. Platyedra gossypieZZa􀉲 appeared from February to September with •aximum population in March and Apr11. Nefther rain nor average temperature were influential fn the population distrfbuftion of thfs fnsect. Soaptocoris dive􀀁 gens appeared from November to May, wfth acme population in Janu! ry and February. Only rain was signiffcantly beneficial to this high population.




CALIL, Fuad; SILVA, Antônio Lopes da; LOBATO, Olivar J. S. M. Correlação constatada entre a flutuação populacional de pragas do algodoeiro e alguns fatores meteorológicos observados em Goiânia estado de Goiás 1974 – 1975. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 117-125, jan./dez. 1975. Disponível em: <>.