Comportamento químico de Neossolos Quartzarênicos em Mineiros, sudoeste goiano


Agricultural practices change the behavior of soil nutrients, mainly of sand soils, in which the high macroporosity promotes intensive water flows. The aim of this study is to characterize the chemical behavior of a topossequence of the hillside and consists of Quartzipsamment and Humic haplic Gleysol, representative of Mineiros’ municipality of Southwest Goiás State. Five pits where soil profiles were studied throughout the topographic sequence (T1 - amount, T2, T3, T4 - on the slope; T5 - downslope), following the central axis of the strand in the larger slope line. Samples were collected for physical and chemical analysis, as well as the penetration resistance and infiltration tests were conducted. The results indicate an increase of Ca, Mg and P up to 60 cm deep and decrease in depth in all soil profiles, mainly aluminum and calcium, in addition to the accumulation of organic matter on the surface in T5 profile foot of the slope. Played up the nutrients, in surface increases in response to liming, fertilization and organic matter at the downstream due to permanent saturation in this sector.



Neossolos Quartzarênicos, Quartzipsament soils, Cerrado, Topossequência, Atributos químicos, Tropical savanna, Chemical attributes, Toposequence


SOUZA, Marco Aurélio Pessoa de et al. Comportamento químico de Neossolos Quartzarênicos em Mineiros, sudoeste goiano. Geociências, São Paulo, v. 34, n. 3, p. 335-347, 2015.