Ação de diferentes corretivos e do gesso sobre as características químicas de um latossolo vermelho escuro na sucessão arroz e soja

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Antônio Henrique Garcia


Aiming to verify lhe action of different soil correctives on lhe chemical characte­ristics of a dark red latosoil median texture a two years field experiment was carried. A completely randomized design wilh 7 treatments (6 different soil correctives and a con­trol wilh no liming) and four repetitions were used. As soil correctives limestone (calci­tic, dolomitic calcinated do!omitic, and magnesian), gypswn and calciwn hydroxide were emp!oyed. 0n lhe first year lhe experimental area was cropped wilh rice ( Oriza saliva L.) cv. !AC - 25 and on lhe second one wilh soybean (G/ycine max L. Merril) cv. IAC - 8. Dolomitic limestone caused lhe greatest chemical alterations on soil charateristics, wilh incre ase on pH, K+, Ca'+ and Mg'+ and decrease on W + AI'+ values, during lhe first year. Losses of exchangab!e Mg# by leaching have been found during lhe second year, due to lhe use of gypswn and calcitic limestone. All liming materiais, but gypswn, incre­ased rice yields when compareci wilh lhe contrai. Toe calcined dolomitic limestone gave lhe highest soybean yie!ds.



Solo, Acidez do solo, Calcário, pH


LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; BELLINGIERI, Paulo Affonso; GALON, João Alexandre. Ação de diferentes corretivos e do gesso sobre as características químicas de um latossolo vermelho escuro na sucessão arroz e soja. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1, p. 37-49, jan./jun. 1996. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2925/2972>.