Ação de diferentes corretivos e do gesso sobre as características químicas de um latossolo vermelho escuro na sucessão arroz e soja
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Antônio Henrique Garcia
Aiming to verify lhe action of different soil correctives on lhe chemical characteristics of a dark red latosoil median texture a two years field experiment was carried. A completely randomized design wilh 7 treatments (6 different soil correctives and a control wilh no liming) and four repetitions were used. As soil correctives limestone (calcitic, dolomitic calcinated do!omitic, and magnesian), gypswn and calciwn hydroxide were emp!oyed. 0n lhe first year lhe experimental area was cropped wilh rice ( Oriza saliva L.) cv. !AC - 25 and on lhe second one wilh soybean (G/ycine max L. Merril) cv. IAC - 8. Dolomitic limestone caused lhe greatest chemical alterations on soil charateristics, wilh incre ase on pH, K+, Ca'+ and Mg'+ and decrease on W + AI'+ values, during lhe first year. Losses of exchangab!e Mg# by leaching have been found during lhe second year, due to lhe use of gypswn and calcitic limestone. All liming materiais, but gypswn, increased rice yields when compareci wilh lhe contrai. Toe calcined dolomitic limestone gave lhe highest soybean yie!ds.
Solo, Acidez do solo, Calcário, pH
LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; BELLINGIERI, Paulo Affonso; GALON, João Alexandre. Ação de diferentes corretivos e do gesso sobre as características químicas de um latossolo vermelho escuro na sucessão arroz e soja. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 26, n. 1, p. 37-49, jan./jun. 1996. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2925/2972>.