A psicologia da libertação e as questões habitacionais: história e constituição
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En este trabajo se describen y analizan los estudios
psicosociales de Martín-Baró sobre problemas de vivienda. Estos
estudios fueron parte de los esfuerzos de Martín-Baró para redefinir
la Psicología y estudiar una realidad social de extremas desigualdades
sociales. El artículo presenta, brevemente, las influencias históricas,
institucionales e intelectuales que marcaron la obra de Martín-Baró,
especialmente, su propuesta de Psicología de la Liberación. En
seguida, el trabajo describe cómo Martín-Baró estudió los problemas
de vivienda por medio de la Psicología. Cuatro dimensiones de sus
estudios psicosociales se destacan: (a) el énfasis en el carácter
histórico y social de los procesos psicosociales relacionados con
asuntos de vivienda; (b) las consecuencias psicosociales e ideológicas
del hacinamiento residencial; (c) el modelo psicosocial desarrollado por
Martín-Baró para hacer investigaciones sobre el hacinamiento; (d)
ideas sobre el proceso de superación de los problemas de vivienda.
Apoyo: Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Brasil.
This paper describes and analyzes the psychosocial studies on housing issues developed by Martín-Baró. These studies were part of the efforts of redefining Psychology in order to understand a social reality that featured extreme social inequalities. The paper presents, briefly, historical, institutional, and intellectual influences of Martín Baró’s studies, specially, his proposal of a Liberation Psychology. After that, the paper describes how Martín-Baró approached housing issues through Psychology. Four dimensions of his psychosocial studies are highlighted: (a) the emphasis on the historical and social nature of psychosocial processes related to housing issues; (b) the psychosocial and ideological consequences of housing issues, specially crowding; (c) the new psychosocial model developed by Martín-Baró to develop crowding studies; (d) ideas about how to overcome housing issues. Support: National Council of Research.
This paper describes and analyzes the psychosocial studies on housing issues developed by Martín-Baró. These studies were part of the efforts of redefining Psychology in order to understand a social reality that featured extreme social inequalities. The paper presents, briefly, historical, institutional, and intellectual influences of Martín Baró’s studies, specially, his proposal of a Liberation Psychology. After that, the paper describes how Martín-Baró approached housing issues through Psychology. Four dimensions of his psychosocial studies are highlighted: (a) the emphasis on the historical and social nature of psychosocial processes related to housing issues; (b) the psychosocial and ideological consequences of housing issues, specially crowding; (c) the new psychosocial model developed by Martín-Baró to develop crowding studies; (d) ideas about how to overcome housing issues. Support: National Council of Research.
Psicología de la liberación, Hacinamiento residencial, Martín-Baró, Problemas habitacionales, Liberation psychology, Crowding, Martín-Baró, Housing issues, Psicologia da libertação, Problemas habitacionais, Aglomeração residencial
MENDONCA, Gabriel Silveira; LACERDA JÚNIOR, Fernando. A psicologia da libertação e as questões habitacionais: história e constituição. Teoría y Critica de la Psicología, Morelia, n. 6, p. 102-121, 2015.