Acute hematological changes in Jiu Jitsu athletes
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Abstract This study deals with acute changes in hematological parameters in athletes of the brazilian fight Jiu
Jitsu. The aim is to discuss the variations of these parameters in athletes who underwent some training in two
different levels of intensity in order to identify the effects of this kind of sport, in what relates to effort intensity
features in the organism, and also analyze the possibilities in what has to do with human health. Fourteen volunteers
participated in this study, athletes with at least 2 years of practice in this type of fight and competitors. The athletes
were monitored for over 2 months in their training routine. Blood samples were collected formerly and immediately
after the training sessions in two specific moments, the first collection happened right next to one of the team target
competitions and the second collection in post competition period. There was a statistically significant increase in
total leukocytes and platelets (both months), neutrophils (month #1), lymphocytes and monocytes (month #2) and
significant decrease in eosinophils (both months). The changes induced by exercising in a state of organic
homeostasis don’t seem to affect the red series, acutely. However, the white series is largely affected by physical
effort, and its magnitude keeps depending on the intensity of effort and the modality of fight.
Physical exercise, Competition, Haematological parameters, Injuries, Immune system
AGRICOLA, Nestor Persio Alvim; GUILLO, Lidia Andreu. Acute hematological changes in Jiu Jitsu athletes. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, New York, v. 3, n. 4, p. 70-76, 2015.