Matlab-based application for image processing and analysis of quality assurance of SPECT scanners


The objective of this work is to improve the user experience within a toolkit for post-processing images in SPECT mode (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), making it also freely executable for non-MATLAB users. The toolkit was developed within MATLAB, using the standalone application development feature, MATLAB AppCompiler, and written with the application environment, MATLAB AppDesigner, in version R2021a. Several issues with the app's functionality were resolved (bugs, optimization issues, layout improvement), as well as adding new features and running the application completely independently of MATLAB. In terms of performance, the toolkit has a reasonable graphics memory consumption, even for machines with different system specifications. The program was successful in its execution, in addition to fulfilling its purpose for nuclear medicine, proving to be a perfectly functional application for machines with different system specifications.



MATLAB, Medical physics, SPECT, Image processing, Dead time, Quality control, Nuclear medicine, Tempo-morto, Controle de qualidade, Física Médica, Medicina nuclear, Processamento de imagens


GONCALVES, Gustavo; GRECCO, Eduarda P.; OLIVEIRA, Carlos E. G.; FONDA, U. S.; ITIKAWA, Emerson N. Matlab-based application for image processing and analysis of quality assurance of SPECT scanners. Revista Brasileira de Física Médica, São Paulo, v. 16, p. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.29384/rbfm.2022.v16.19849001687. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 abr. 2023.