A morte do mártir cristão como uma morte heróica: repensando algumas Homilias de Basílio de Cesaréia

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In this article, we review three Homilies produced by Basil of Caesarea in the fourth century AD, dedicated to be presented in the festivities in honor of the martyrs Julita, Gordius and Mamante. In these ceremonies, was common the priest emphasize in his speech the main aspects of the life and death of tortured, making him a hero of Christendom. To be better understood by the audience, the priests and bishops used the entire arsenal coming from classical and pagan rhetoric, using the form to ensure Christian proselytizing, as we demonstrate in this paper.



Martírio, Cristianismo, Herói, Retórica, Morte, Martyrdom, Death, Christianity, Hero, Rhetoric


GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques. A morte do mártir cristão como uma morte heróica: repensando algumas homilias de Basílio de Cesaréia. Revista Diálogos Mediterrânicos, Curitiba, n. 5, p. 14-32, nov. 2013.