Avaliação de prescrições farmacoterapêuticas em um centro de atendimento psicossocial (CAPS) de um município situado no sudeste Goiano


The increase of drug prescriptions in Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS), associated at the high potential drug interactions requires a pharmaceutical intervention as a conciliator service of therapy, for identifying and preventing the potential problems related to drugs, which can compromise the clinical condition of this public and its rational use. Thereby, this study aims at identifying a pharmacotherapeutic profile of drug prescriptions belonging to users of semi-intensive system of a CAPS, in a city located in the south east of Goiás, through a descriptive and observational cross-sectional analysis. Analyzing 228 records were identified 669 prescription drugs in the prevalence for female users and with low level of education. Amongst 150 (82.88%) medical prescriptions it was exhibited between 1 (4%) and 11 (1.33%) interactions. The risk of heart intoxication and consequent prolongation of the QT interval, was the potential prevalent problem, present in 156 (42.16%) of interactions. The data have deflagrated some weaknesses of pharmacotherapeutic conducting in this service, demonstrating the need for more attentive and effective participation of the pharmaceutical monitoring of patients.


v. 13, n. 1. p. 37-44, jan./mar. 2016.


Serviços de saúde mental, Cuidados farmacêuticos, Prescrições médicas, Mental health services, Pharmaceutical care, Medical prescriptions


BORGES JÚNIOR, Orenito Simão; SILVA, Bruna Carolina Gonçalves da; FERNANDES, Luiza Carla Silva Guimarães; LUCCHESE, Roselma; FELIPE, Rodrigo Lopes de; VERA, Ivânia. Avaliação de prescrições farmacoterapêuticas em um centro de atendimento psicossocial (Caps) de um município situado no sudeste Goiano. Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 37- 44, jan./mar. 2016. Disponível em: < http://revistas.ufg.emnuvens.com.br/REF/article/view/36128/pdf>.