Importância da pasta de prova (try-in) na cimentação de facetas cerâmicas - relato de caso


The Ceramic Venners has excelled greatly in Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry for the excellent optical property and biomimetics. The sedimentation of longevity is associated with predictability of the result by the thecniques of planning and implementing protocol, favoring the patient-professional and positively overcoming mutual expectations. This article aims to present a case report emphasizing the importance of using a folder of evidence prior tocementing ceramic venners, featuring as a fundamental tool tominimize errors, definition of predictability of the aesthetic results and subsequent patient satisfaction. It was concluded that the use offolders Try-In is na essential step in the rehabilitation process with ceramic venners.



Cerâmica, Adesivos dentinários, Estética, Ceramic, Dentin-bonding agents, Esthetic


CARDOSO, Paula Carvalho et al. Importância da pasta de prova (try-in) na cimentação de facetas cerâmicas - relato de caso. Robrac: revista odontologica do Brasil Central, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 53, p. 166-171, 2011.