Análise das capacidades físicas em crianças dos sete aos dez anos de idade
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Physical performance is the term used to group strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and
coordination capacities. The physical performance in the children is concern among experts in the field of
health. This interest justified because physical activity can prevent illness and increase functional capacity.
The aim of present study was assessment physical capacity in children of both sex, boys and girls. After
consent of parents, concerns of study 232 children among seven and 10 years-old of both sexes. The
performance motor was assessment using sit-and-reach, horizontal jump, abdominal endurance and 30
meters tests run. ANOVA Two-way and Tukey post hoc was used to compared variables among sex and
ages. The significant level was 5%. Flexibility did not differ among ages and sex. The horizontal jump
distance and abdominals number were higher in male group compared to the female group and eight, nine
and 10 years-old were higher compared to seven years-old. The abdominals number was higher in male
group compared to female group and eight, nine and 10 years-old are higher compared to seven years-old.
The time to going 30 meters was small in the male group compared to female group and running time was
small in the 10 years-old compared to other ages and the nine and eight years-old was small than seven
years-old. In general, the boys presented better performance than girls in the ages assessment. The age
seven years-old apparent represented a period of transition in the physical performance.
Capacidade física, Physical capacity, Crianças, Testes motores, Children, Motor test
BORBA, Diego de Alcantara et al. Análise das capacidades físicas em crianças dos sete aos dez anos de idade.. Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento, Brasília, DF, v. 20, n. 4, p. 84-91, 2012.