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Item Formação e práticas educativas de professores de medicina: uma abordagem etnográfica(2013-10) Costa, Nilce Maria Silva CamposThis issue describes the use of the ethnographic approach of the qualitative research to investigate the teaching practices of the medicine professors. In addition of methodological procedures, explains the two phases: an exploratory phase, in which it had the access to the context and the phase of. Three data collecting instruments were used which complemented each other: an questionnaire which allowed the establishment of a professional profile of professors of medicine, a semistructured interview with questions relating to the professor’s career experience and also, direct observation in the classroom with a registration of the teaching practices and a description of the teaching strategy. This research allows to ensure the reality and verifies that the dissatisfactions and the ideas of transformations presented by medicine teachers reflects the interest in a genuine transformation of the teaching that contemplate the formation of the physician in Brazilian society. Between the possibilities sight with this kind of research glimpses the professor as investigator of his own educational practice.Item Formação e atuação de nutricionistas dos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família(2015-04) Kogawa, Camilla Botêga Aguiar; Costa, Nilce Maria da Silva CamposObjective The aim of this study was to analyze the education and work of dieticians from the Family Health Support Centers in the state of Goiás. Method This is a descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional study with dieticians from these centers. The dieticians answered a self-administered questionnaire with open and closed questions that characterized them, their education, and their work. Research Twenty-two female dieticians from Family Health Support Centers participated in the study, representing 88.0% of the total. Of these, 59.1% had graduated less than three years ago; 13.6% specialized in family health; and only 27.3% felt capable of performing their job based on a reflection about the socioeconomic, political, and cultural reality of the territory. Regarding work, 80% had temporary job contracts, which can compromise the bond between the professionals and the population; 36.4% had been working for less than one year; 18.2% received training before they started working; and 59.1% did not feel sufficiently trained to work in the centers. Only 9.1% of the participants discussed matriciamento (support given by a multidisciplinary team to another multidisciplinary team) in the meetings and used tool-related references. Team work was considered a facilitator of their actions, and not knowing the role of Family Health Support Centers was considered a hindrance. Conclusion Dieticians from the Family Health Support Centers in the state of Goiás have little professional experience, do not feel sufficiently trained to work in family health, and have difficulties understanding the local reality, as education did not give them confidence to work in the area and they have little knowledge about the centers.Item Educação nutricional para pacientes em hemodiálise: controle da hipercalemia e hiperfosfatemia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-05-04) Silva, Ana Luiza Araujo da; Stringhini, Maria Luiza Ferreira; Freitas, Ana Tereza Vaz de SouzaNutritional education activities in hemodialysis clinics are of utmost importance for treatment engagement and consequent im provement in the quality of life of patients with Chronic Kidney Disea se (CKD). In this way, the project presented aims to provide nutritional education in the control of hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphatemia to hemodialysis patients through educational actions, which besides optimizing the time of the hemodialysis sessions help in the adhesion of the diets. Several topics were addressed throughout the project, including potassium and phosphorus intake in the DRC, through dia logic lectures using visual illustrative resources and using food bingo with images of food sources of phosphorus or potassium. The results of the activities were positive, demonstrating interest and involve ment of the majority of the patients. It was concluded that the ex tension project contributed to the health promotion of hemodialysis patients, aided in the treatment, providing knowledge and autonomy for a better quality of life of these individuals.Item Hábito alimentar de mulheres com câncer de mama após intervenção nutricional(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-15) Martins, Karine Anusca; Morais, Carla Cristina de; Teixeira, Natascha DamiãoThe objective of this was to observe the presence or not of changes in the diet of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, after the implementation of a nutritional educational intervention program. Qualitative quantitative intervention study, institutionally based, with 12 women, diagnosed with breast cancer, between 30 and 72 years old. Six health education activities were carried out. The following were analyzed: age, education, income, marital status, nutritional status by anthropometry and feeding by the "How are you eating?" test from the Ministry of Health. For a quantitative analysis of the data using Epi-Info considering the level of p <0.05. It was noticed after educational intervention important qualitative changes in the participants' diet, such as: reduction in the consumption of red meat, sweets, fried foods and processed foods and an increase in the consumption of water, fruits and vegetables, in the fractionation of meals and the practice of physical activity, without statistical. It was concluded that the extension actions that promote the improvement of the quality of life, even if it is individual, are essential to reduce the risk of recurrences.Item Beta-caroteno e câncer(1998-12) Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe subject β-carotene and cancer has been studied for more than twenty years, through epidemiologic and experimental researches.Observational epidemiologic studies, both prospective and retrospective, have suggested strongly that high intake of vegetables and fruits which are sources of β-carotene is associated with reduced risk of cancer, specially of lung cancer. However, the results of intervention trials do not demonstrate a preventive potential of β-carotene. Nevertheless, in many studies in experimental animals and in cell cultures, this carotenoid had been shown to act as a potent cancer chemopreventive agent and mechanisms have been proposed to explain this protective effect on biological systems. Researchers suggest that β-carotene protects against cancer, in the amounts easily attained by the consumption of a wide variety of diets, and the chronic pharmacological supplementation is not recommended for healthy populations and for heavy smokers.Item Nutrição, atividade física e obesidade em adultos: aspectos atuais e recomendações para prevenção e tratamento(2004) Beraldo, Fernanda Carneiro; Naves, Maria Margareth Veloso; Vaz, Inaiana Marques FilizolaObesity is a chronic nontransmissible disease, characterized by excessive body weight, whose prevalence is rising at alarming levels in developed societies as well as in developing countries. In Brazil, overweight (body mass index – BMI ≥ 25.0kg/m2) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30.0kg/m2) reached 40% of women and 27% of men in the 80’s and 90’s decades. A diet high in energy density and a sedentary lifestyle are considered the most relevant factors that could explain the increasing obesity in western societies. For obese people, it is recommended a loss between 5 and 30% of body weight (about 0.5 to 1.0kg/week), depending of the levels of obesity, by means of a decreasing of 500 to 1000kcal in daily diet. The low energy diet must be balanced in terms of macronutrients and it must contain foods low in energy density, i.e., restriction in simple carbohydrates-rich foods and alcohol and increase in consumption of foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and water. Both physical activity and diet must be used to lose weight and to maintain the weight lost. Physical exercise with moderate intensity is recommended for at least 30 min/day, including routine activities. Thereby, healthy food habits and active lifestyle must be essential goals in the prevention and treatment programs of obesity.Item Fortificação de alimentos com o pó da casca de ovo como fonte de cálcio(2007-03) Naves, Maria Margareth Veloso; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Prado, Carla Marques Maia do; Teixeira, Luiz Savio MedeirosEgg shell powder is used as a calcium source in a nutritional supplement known as “multimistura” that has been distributed in Brazil by non-governmental organizations. The objectives of this research were to fortify traditional, low cost and easy to prepare dishes with egg shell powder and to estimate the nutritional contribution of each portion to the calcium daily intake. Ten common dishes were prepared and fortified with egg shell powder (with 37.4% of calcium) at the rate of 1g to 100 g of cereal or flour used in the processing foods. The fortified foods showed a range of calcium concentrations between 111.5 mg and 506.4 mg.100 g -1, which were significantly higher than the contents of the original formulations without fortification. Mean portions of fortified dishes provide about 14 to 32% of the nutritional calcium references for adults. It was concluded that traditional dishes fortified with egg shell powder could contribute significantly to the adequate calcium intake and to prevent calcium deficiency, mainly osteoporosis, in individuals of different age groups and social levels.Item Percepção dos coordenadores de curso de Nutrição sobre o Exame Nacional de Desempenho dos Estudantes (Enade/2004)(2009-04) Domene, Semíramis Martins Álvares; Loureiro, Helena Maria Simonard; Pedrosa, Lucia de Fatima Campos; Naves, Maria Margareth Veloso; Diez Garcia, Rosa Wanda; Tuma, Rahilda Conceição Ferreira Brito; Herrmann, Stela MarisAnalyze the perception of the coordinators of Nutrition Graduation Courses about the Brazilian National Examination of Student Performance (Enade/2004) by using a questionnaire which contained eleven questions, being ten objective and one subjective, enclosing the diverse contexts of the exam. The Enade had positive evaluation for the purpose of the social and economic questionnaire; questions selection, quality and comprehensiveness of the questions of general and specific components. According to the coordinators perceptions, the negative aspect of the exam was the probably manner of inducing to a hierarchic classification of the courses, instead of evaluating the student’s performance. These analyses could be proposals for the next examinations, as well as contributions for the improvement of the pedagogic projects of Nutrition Courses and to approaching the superior education in this area.Item Qualidade microbiológica, aceitabilidade e valor nutricional de barras de cereais formuladas com polpa e amêndoa de baru(2010-12) Lima, Jean Carlos Rodrigues; Freitas, Jullyana Borges de; Fonseca, Ludmila de Paula Czeder; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality, the acceptability and the nutritional characteristics of cereal bars made with pulp and almond of the baru (native fruit from Brazilian Savanna). The fruits were collected in the East and South East Regions from Goiás state, in August 2008. The formulations of cereal bars were prepared with fixed proportion of almond in replacement to the nuts and dried fruits, and increasing proportions of baru pulp (0%, 5% and 10%) in replacement to the oat bran. The cereal bars were evaluate for microbiological quality through counts of coliforms, Bacillus cereus, positive Staphylococci coagulase and Salmonella, and for the overall acceptance, appearance and purchase intent. The accepted bars were submitted to the analysis of centesimal composition, including total dietary fiber and its fractions (soluble and insoluble). All the samples were in accordance with the microbiological standard for food. The cereal bars had good overall acceptance and good levels of purchase intent, and showed levels of carbohydrates and lipids similar to the commercial cereal bars and high protein content (10.64 g/100 g), due to the addition of baru almond, a source of protein and lipids of good nutritional quality. Cereal bars made with the pulp and almond of the baru are source of energy, proteins and carbohydrates and present a high level of dietary fiber (15.72 g/100 g). The full utilization of baru in processed foods adds value to the fruit and nutritional quality to the product, contributing to the sustainable use of this native fruit.Item Composição química de nozes e sementes comestíveis e sua relação com a nutrição e saúde(2010-04) Freitas, Jullyana Borges; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis systematic review compares the chemical composition among different types of nuts and edible seeds with regard to nutrients and other bioactive compounds and relates this composition to nutrition and health. This literature review was based on Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Medline and Lilacs, in accordance with the following selection criteria: original research articles published in the last five years in Brazilian or international journals in the fields of Food Science, Medicine I and Medicine II, indexed in the Institute for Scientific Information. The articles were analyzed according to pre-established quality criteria. True nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts and pistachios) and edible seeds (peanuts and baru almonds) are good sources of lipids and proteins. The lipid fractions are composed especially of oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) fatty acids, with emphasis on the ω-6 to ω-3 relation in macadamia, walnut, chestnut and baru almond, whose profiles favor the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. Their proteins present an amino acid profile that meets the requirements of school children and contain more sulfur-containing amino acids than legumes such as beans. These nuts and edible seeds are also good sources of phytoesterols, mainly.β-sitosterol; minerals, particularly calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and potassium; tocopherols, especiallyα-tocopherol; and insoluble fiber. These nutrient-dense foods contain bioactive substances that maximize their beneficial health effects and, for this reason, their study and consumption should be encouraged.Item Feijão macerado: alternativa para melhorar a qualidade nutricional(2011-12) Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Souza, Elizane Melo de; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoBean protein is deficient in sulfur amino acids and has reduced digestibility, mainly due to the poliphenols and phytates present in the grain. The soaking process may reduce the content of these substances and, thus improving protein digestibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the soaking process on bean protein quality. Common beans (cv Carioca) were soaked before cooking over two periods of time (4 hours and 12 hours), in the proportion of 1:3 (grain:water) and another bean sample was cooked without soaking. An experiment with Wistar rats was carried out and bean protein quality was estimated by means of Net Protein Ratio (NPR) and Net Protein Utilization (NPU). Soaking process during 4 h was sufficient to reduce in a half the bean cooking time. Soaking for 12 hours improved the protein quality of the beans. Thus, the soaking process may improve the protein intake of poor community.Item Gérmen com pericarpo de milho desengordurado na formulação de biscoitos tipo cookie(2012-04) Gomes, Luciana de Oliveira Froes; Teles, Maria Amélia de Oliveira Falqueto; Castro, Maiza Vieira Leão de; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe germ with pericarp, byproduct of corn grain processing, has a high nutritional value, but is little used in food. Our objectives were to analyze the chemical composition of the defatted corn germ with pericarp (DCG) and to develop formulations, to evaluate the acceptability and to analyze the chemical composition of cookies with DCG. The proximal composition of DCG and of cookies was determined, and the mineral content and the essential amino acid score (EAE) were analyzed in DCG, according to standard methods of the literature. Cookies with 0% (control), 50% (B50) and 100% (B100) of replacement of oat bran for DCG were formulated. The sensory analysis was performed by using hedonic scale of nine points. The DCG is source of protein (11.7g 100g-1) with optimal amino acid profile (EAE=1.26), and it is rich in dietary fiber (28.9g 100g-1), iron and zinc (5mg 100g-1). All cookies were sensorially accepted (overall acceptance and appearance), and the cookie B50 was more accepted than the B100. The cookies with DCG are source of proteins (12.5g 100g-1) and contain high levels of dietary fiber (10.0g 100g-1). The use of DCG in the formulation of the based-cereal foods increased the nutritional value of these products and can to add value to this byproduct of the corn grain processing.Item Caracterização física e química, fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante da polpa e resíduo de gabiroba(2013-09) Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Alves, Maressa Stephanie Ovidio; Fernandes, Thaís de Oliveira; Naves, Ronaldo Veloso; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThe Brazilian Cerrado has a wide range of fruit species that have not been sufficiently studied regarding their physical, chemical and functional characteristics. This study aimed to measure the physical characteristics of gabiroba tree’s fruits and analyze the proximate and mineral compositions, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the gabiroba pulp and residue. The physical characteristics of greatest variability were pulp and fruit mass, especially the high pulp yield (46.24%). Gabiroba pulp and residue have high moisture and dietary fiber contents and considerable iron amounts. The gabiroba residue showed higher content of phenolic compounds (1787.65 mg AGE.100g-1) and antioxidant activity (197.13 μmol TE.g-1) than the pulp. However, the values observed in the gabiroba pulp (1222.59 mg AGE.100g-1 and 107.96 μmol TE.g-1, respectively) are higher than those of many fruits traditionally consumed. The total phenolic content showed a strong correlation (r = 0.9723) with antioxidant activity. The results indicate promising prospects for the use of the whole fruit of gabiroba tree due to its appreciable content of nutrients and phenolic compounds, and its antioxidant activity.Item Carotenoids are related to the colour and lipid content of the pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) pulp from the brazilian Savanna(2014-09) Ribeiro, Débora Melo; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study investigated the colour, proximate composition, bioactive compounds (phenolic and carotenoid contents), and antioxidant activity of the pulp of pequi from different regions of the Brazilian Savanna. The colour parameters and the lipid and carotenoid contents of the pulp were significantly different between the samples. The lipid content ranged from 135.4 to 322.5 g/kg. The pequi pulp showed high total phenolic content (1.8 to 3.3 mg GAE/g). The carotenoid amount ranged from 37 to 187 μg/g. The carotenoid content was significantly correlated with the colour and lipid content of the pequi pulp. The antioxidant activity showed a mean IC50 value of 197.9 μg/mL. The pequi pulp is rich in phenolic compounds and carotenoids and has a good antioxidant activity. Its colour is influenced by the carotenoid content, which can be predicted by regression models using routine colour parameters.Item Características físicas e nutricionais de pequis oriundos dos estados de Tocantins, Goiás e Minas Gerais(2014-09) Santos, Aline Medeiros Alves; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Sousa, Amanda Goulart de Oliveira; Naves, Ronaldo Veloso; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoPequi is a native fruit from the Brazilian Cerrado with a great diversity in its physical and chemical characteristics. Studies with fruits from different environments of the Cerrado are scarce. The objective of this study was to analyze, physically and nutritionally, pequi fruits from Tocantins (TO), Goiás (GO) and Minas Gerais (MG) States. The physical analysis of 30 pequi fruits, randomly selected by region, was carried out, and the chemical composition of their pulps was determined. The pequi fruits from MG showed high values of commercially important physical characteristics, as fruit mass, pulp mass and seed (almond) yield. However, fruits from GO showed high pulp yield. Low lipid contents (8 g.100g–1) were observed in the fruits from TO, on the contrary of the fruits from GO and MG (24 and 26 g.100g–1, respectively). Regarding the mineral content, the pequi pulp from the three regions is a source of iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, and the pequi pulp from TO showed considerable contents of calcium (107 mg.100g–1). The native region of the fruits infl uences their physical and chemical characteristics, mainly the pulp yield, moisture and lipid contents, energy density and calcium amount of the pequi pulp. These results indicate the necessity of characterization of the native region and the pequi species for commercial use of the fruits and for utilization of the pulp as a nutritious raw material, in different food systems.Item Hydrolyzed collagen (gelatin) decreases food efficiency and the bioavailability of high-quality protein in rats(2015-08) Bordin, Cláudia Cantelli Daud; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoObjective Although deficient in all indispensable amino acids, gelatin is used in protein-restricted diets. Food efficiency and protein quality of casein and gelatin mixtures in low protein diets in Wistar rats were investigated. Methods The rats were treated with protein-restricted diets (10.0 and 12.5%) containing casein (control diets), casein with gelatin mixtures (4:1 of protein content), and gelatin as sources of protein. The food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, relative and corrected protein efficiency ratio, true protein digestibility, and hepatic parameters were estimated. Results After 28 days of the experiment, food efficiency of 10.0% casein/gelatin diet decreased when compared to that of 10.0% casein diet, and the protein efficiency ratio of the casein/gelatin mixtures (10.0%=2.41 and 12.5%=2.03) were lower than those of the casein (10.0%=2.90 and 12.5%=2.32). After 42 days of the experiment, the weight of the liver of the animals treated with 10.0 and 12.5% casein/gelatin diets, and the liver protein retention of the 12.5% casein/gelatin diet group of animals were lower than those of the control group. Conclusion Gelatin decreases food efficiency and high-quality protein bioavailability in protein-restricted diets.Item Aceitabilidade e valor nutricional de chocolate amargo enriquecido com amêndoa de baru, linhaça e quinoa(2015-12) Freitas, Jullyana Borges de; Souza, Janaína Chaves de Matos; Velloso, Lívia Alves; Simão, Rebeca Albuquerque Santos; Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Alves, Aline Medeiros; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study aimed to formulate dark chocolate enriched with baru almonds, flaxseed and quinoa (9% in replacement of chocolate, as well as assess the acceptability (global acceptance, appearance and purchase intent) and the nutritional value of the formulations. The various chocolate samples were considered accepted and showed good levels of purchase intent, except for the variation enriched with flaxseed. The chocolate samples showed high content of fiber (27 to 40 g/100g), and lower energy value (385 to 413 kcal/100g) compared to conventional dark chocolates with almonds (7 to 11 g of dietary fiber/100g and 500 to 550 kcal/100g), thus providing a healthier alternative for consumers.Item Nutritional quality and bioactive compounds of partially defatted baru almond flour(2015-03) Siqueira, Ana Paula Silva; Pacheco, Maria Teresa Bertoldo; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study aimed to investigate the nutritional quality and bioactive potential of partially defatted baru (Dipteryx alataVog.) almond flour (BAF). The flour’s proximate and mineral compositions, total phenolic, tocopherols and carotenoids contents, antioxidant capacity, trypsin inhibitor and amino acid analyses were performed. An experiment was conducted with 24 male Wistar rats in order to evaluate the flour’s protein quality. BAF has high protein, fiber and mineral contents (iron, zinc, magnesium and copper), and it is a source of calcium. BAF presented relevant amounts of total phenolics (625 mg/100g) and good antioxidant capacity (130 μmol/Trolox eq). Autoclaved BAF showed essential amino acids profile, digestibility and protein quality better than in natura BAF. Autoclaved BAF might be used for human consumption as a source of quality protein and bioactive compounds, in healthy diets and processed foods.Item Campomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae) fruits protect HEPG2cells against carbon tetrachloride-induced toxicity(2015) Fernandes, Thaís de Oliveira Fernandesa; Marcelino, Renato Ivan de Ávila; Moura, Soraia Santana de; Oliveira, Gerlon de Almeida Ribeiro; Naves, Maria Margareth Veloso; Valadares, Marize CamposCampomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae) is an antioxidant compounds-rich Brazilian fruitpopularly known as gabiroba. In view of this, it was evaluated the hepatoprotective effects ofpulp (GPE) or peel/seed (GPSE) hydroalcoholic extracts of gabiroba on injured liver-derivedHepG2 cells by CCl4(4 mM). The results showed the presence of total phenolic in GPSE was(60%) higher when compared to GPE, associated with interesting antioxidant activity usingDPPH•assay. Additionally, HPLC chromatograms and thin layer chromatography of GPE andGPSE showed the presence of flavonoids. Pretreatment of HepG2 cells with GPE or GPSE(both at 800–1000 g/mL) significantly (p < 0.0001) protected against cytotoxicity inducedby CCl4.Additionally, the cells treated with both extracts (both at 1000 g/mL) showednormal morphology (general and nuclear) contrasting with apoptotic characteristics in thecells only exposed to CCl4. In these experiments, GPSE also was more effective than GPE. Inaddition, CCl4induced a marked increase in AST (p < 0.05) and ALT (p < 0.0001) levels, whileGPE or GPSE significantly (p < 0.0001) reduced these levels, reaching values found in thecontrol group. In conclusion, the results suggest that gabiroba fruits exert hepatoprotectiveeffects on HepG2 cells against the CCl4-induced toxicity, probably, at least in part, associatedwith the presence of antioxidant compounds, especially flavonoids.Item Effects of baru almond and Brazil nut against hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress in vivo(2015) Fernandes, Daniela Canuto; Alves, Aline Medeiros; Castro, Gabriela Salim Ferreira; Jordão Junior, Alceu Afonso; Naves, Maria Margareth VelosoThis study evaluated the effect of baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) almond, an edible seed native from Brazilian Savanna, and Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa H. B. K.) on serum lipid profile and hepatic lipid peroxidation in rats fed high-fat diets. Four groups of eight young adult male Wistar rats were treated for nine weeks with one of the following diets: high-fat diets - 0.1% colic acid + 1% cholesterol + 5% lard + 15% of lipid from lard, baru almond or Brazil nut - and reference diet (7% soybean oil). Groups fed with baru almond and Brazil nut showed lower serum contents of total cholesterol and triacylglycerols than those of lard group. Baru almond group also showed higher HDL-c concentration than those of Brazil nut and lard groups, similar to that of reference group. Lipid peroxidation (through total malondialdehyde) was lower and vitamin E content was higher in the livers of the animals treated with baru almond and Brazil nut than those of lard group. These results indicate that the Brazilian native oilseeds, especially baru almond, have great potential for dietary use in dyslipidemia prevention and control.
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