Utilização do dispositivo intravenoso periférico intermitente em pediatria


Exploratory research, in a quantitative approach, carried out in Pediactrs Hospitals with the following objectives: identify in literature the publications about Peripheric Intermittent Intravenous Device - PIID, with their respective approach; describe the technique of utilization of PIID in the Pediatrics Institutions of Goiânia and analyze the intervening factors to the use of PIID and its implications in nurse performances. The data when collected by questionnaires previously tested. In the first time we went through the existent publications about PIID; in second time that identified the Hospital Institutions which used the PIID and they did it. We came to the conclusion that there are few specific studies about PIID and those which approach the theme do it in a very general way, leaving out many questions about the subject. From the total of seventy existent Pediatrics Institutions, only two use the PIID and even those not systematically. We observed that the medical and nurse staff use the technique without any protocol, and each professional prescribes and performs the procedure in his own adequate way. The most common solution used to maintain the catheter permeable to the heparin; however, it doesn't exist consensus in relation to the proper concentration or even to the storage of the solution. Thus, we suggest research to be in the others contexts, with the objective of simplifying the technique, publishing it in order to make it safer for those who want to use it.



Dispositivo intravenoso, Dispositivo intravenoso periférico intermitente, DIPI, Intravenous device, Peripheric intermittent intravenous device, PIID


DIAS, Eldi Francisco; VIANA, Arlete C. Nunes; ANDRAUS, Lourdes Maria Silva; PEREIRA, Milca Severino; BARBOSA, Maria Alves. Utilização do dispositivo intravenoso periférico intermitente em pediatria. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, jul./dez. 2000. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/fen/article/view/685/763>.