Promoción de la salud en personas sordas mayores de la comunidad sorda
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
El presente artículo presenta una experiencia en el ámbi to de la salud mostrando un proyecto de promoción de la salud en
colaboración con la Comunidad Sorda y dirigido a personas mayores
sordas. El proyecto fue llevado a cabo por alumnas de Enfermería ensu Trabajo de Fin de Grado en la modalidad de Aprendizaje y Servi cio. Se realizó una intervención enmarcada en un programa de edu cación para la salud que constó de 3 sesiones de 2h con un grupo
de 20 personas mayores sordas en los que se abordaron de forma
teórica y práctica aspectos de envejecimiento saludable (actividad y
ejercicio físico; alimentación saludable; sueño y descanso saludables;
y patologías prevalentes en la población). La experiencia resultó ser
muy satisfactoria tanto para las alumnas como para la Comunidad
Sorda, resultando esta experiencia muy enriquecedora tanto a nivel
de aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias en el trabajo comunitario, como a nivel de contacto con la Comunidad Sorda
This paper exposes an experience in the field of health showing a health promotion project in collaboration with the Deaf Community and addressed to elderly deaf people. Nursing students carried out this project in their Final Degree Project in the Service-Le arning modality. An intervention was framed in a health education program, that consisted of 3 sessions of 2 hours each, it was carried out with a group of 20 elderly deaf people in which aspects of heal thy aging were addressed in a theoretical and practical way (physi cal activity and exercise; healthy eating; healthy sleep and rest; and diseases prevalent in the population). For the students and for the Deaf Community the experience turned out to be very satisfactory, resulting in this very enriching experience at the level of learning and acquisition of skills in community work, as well as at the level of con tact with the Deaf Community.
This paper exposes an experience in the field of health showing a health promotion project in collaboration with the Deaf Community and addressed to elderly deaf people. Nursing students carried out this project in their Final Degree Project in the Service-Le arning modality. An intervention was framed in a health education program, that consisted of 3 sessions of 2 hours each, it was carried out with a group of 20 elderly deaf people in which aspects of heal thy aging were addressed in a theoretical and practical way (physi cal activity and exercise; healthy eating; healthy sleep and rest; and diseases prevalent in the population). For the students and for the Deaf Community the experience turned out to be very satisfactory, resulting in this very enriching experience at the level of learning and acquisition of skills in community work, as well as at the level of con tact with the Deaf Community.
Aprendizagem-serviço, Treinamento de enfermagem, Promoção da saúde, Surdos, Idosos, Service-learning, Nurse training, Health promotion, Deaf, Ederly people, Aprendizaje-servicio, Formación enfermera, Promoción de la salud, Sordos, Ancianos
SEGOVIA-QUIÑONES, Meritxell; PONCE-LÓPEZ, Vera; CHAVEIRO, Neuma; GÓMEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Eve; RODRÍGUEZ-MARTÍN,Dolors. Promoción de la salud en personas sordas mayores de la comunidad sorda. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 26, e20.66751, 2020. Disponível em: