A abordagem territorial das políticas públicas brasileiras


This article aims to situate the process of adopting the territorial approach and its dimensions in Brazilian public policies. However, it limits its discussion to the dynamics of the implementation of policies that use the territory as an end, that is, “policies based on intersectoral strategies and articulated for the development of specific territories with severe structural deficiencies and high incidence of poverty” (SILVA, 2013, p. 31). Thus, the history of this approach is restricted here to the federal programs Rural Territories (Pronat) and Territories of Citizenship (PTC). Methodologically, a bibliographic review based on a critical approach is performed, with a view to understanding the territorial perspective in public policies.



Território, Políticas públicas, Territórios rurais, Territórios da cidadania, Brasil, Territory, Public policies, Rural territories, Citizenship territories, Brazil


FERRARI, Lucélia Maria Gonzaga Bernardes; OLIVEIRA, Adão Francisco de; BARREIRA, Celene Cunha. M. A. A abordagem territorial das políticas públicas brasileiras. Revista Sapiência: sociedade, saberes e práticas educacionais, Iporá, v. 9, n. 2, p. 7-17, 2020. Número especial.