Estágio interdisciplinar de residência agrária: articulando ações de pesquisa e extensão entre estudantes da graduação e da pós graduação em direitos sociais do campo/ residência agrária – UFG/ CNPq/ INCRA-PRONERA

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The “Interdisciplinary Training for Agricultural Residence (EIRA): Theory and practice in rural extension” was an extension and culture project linked to the Graduate Program in Agricultural Law – Agrarian Residence (PPGSD – UFG/ INCRA/PRONERA/ CNPq), to the Observatório Fundiário Goiano (OFUNGO), and was funded by the chamada pública for the University Extension Program – PROEXT/MEC 2014. Done in partnership with communities and social movements from the countryside it sought, through ongoing training, experience, practical actions of education and information, articulate actions and projects based on popular education and the defense and promotion of human rights in these areas. In this sense, the objective of this article is to report the experience developed in the project to demonstrate how the opportunity to take university extension courses enriches the education and knowledge of the students, besides providing an exchange of experiences, of knowledge, guaranteeing a broader vision of reality and the law. This text is divided into three parts: 1) Epistemic bases of the extensionist practice in law; 2) objectives and principles of the EIRA; 3) partial results of the project.



Residência agrária, Interdisciplinaridade, Pesquisa-extensionista, Questão agrarian, Educação jurídica, Agrarian residence, Interdisciplinarity, Research-extension, Agrarian question, Legal education


MOREIRA, Erika Macedo; SEVA, Janaína Tude; FOGAÇA, Sarah. Estágio interdisciplinar de residência agrária: articulando ações de pesquisa e extensão entre estudantes da graduação e da pós graduação em direitos sociais do campo/ residência agrária – UFG/ CNPq/ INCRA-PRONERA. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 16, n. 19, jul./dez. 2016. Disponível em: