Acordo de não persecução cível na improbidade administrativa: natureza jurídica, objetivos e consequências
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The improvement of the justice system has led to the expansion of consensual
conflict resolution mechanisms throughout the Brazilian legal system. An effect of this is
the innovation brought by the Anti-Crime Package when it inaugurated the Non
Prosecution Agreement (ANPC) as an instrument that aims at a better resolution of
administrative impropriety transgressions. Along with this novelty came several doubts,
among which regarding its legal nature, constitutionality, lack of specific regulation, as
well as the role of the micro-systems of collective and anticorruption protection for the
applicability of the ANPC, considering also the objectives intended by it and the possible
limits and consequences of its implementation. This is a bibliographical revisional research
whose method used is the hypothetical-deductive method, that is, of raising hypotheses
and analyzing their origin, in order to prove the lack of clarity on the topic and the diversity
of atechnics still pending an answer.
Acordo de não persecução cível, Improbidade administrativa, Justiça negociada, Tutela coletiva, Interesse público, Civil non-prosecution agreement, Administrative improbity, Negotiated justice, Collective guardianship, Public interest
SILVA, Scarlat Felix. Acordo de Não persecução cível na improbidade administrativa: natureza jurídica, objetivos e consequências. 2021. 52 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.