A dúvida radical e as provas da existência de Deus nas meditações metafísicas de Descartes

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The objective of this monograph is to analyze the question of Cartesian doubt, the discovery of the cogito, and the proofs of the existence of God, which Descartes exposes in the course of his meditations. All our research is based on the work Metaphysical meditations, which deals with fundamental methods which allow us to reach a rational and true knowledge about the proof of the existence of God. Our work is divided into three chapters; the first chapter is ained at explaining the method of doubt. Using this method, Descartes manages to get rid of all knowledge, which he once considered constant and true. In the second chapter, we talk about how Descartes exposes the radicalization of doubt, which started his search for an indubitable and true knowledge. From the supposition of the existence of an evil genius, that is, a deceiving god, Descartes manages to discover the cogito (I think therefore I am), the first constant truth within his meditations, the first truth in the order of reasons, soon after comes the wax argument, which allows Descartes to prove that the human spirit is easier to know than material substances. In the third chapter, we approach the central theme of our monograph, the proof of the existence of God. In this chapter we speak like Descartes, demonstrates his proof of the existence of God, we also make a parallel with the proof of the existence of God, proposed by Thomas Aquinas, and what is the relationship that exists with the proof proposed in Cartesian philosophy. We end our work by exposing the principle of cause and effect that will be fundamental in the construction of the cosmological proof of the existence of God, God himself being the cause of the idea that we have of God, of perfection, of infinity and everything that exists in the world.



Descartes, Dúvida radical, Deus, Descartes, Radical doubt, God


RIBEIRO, Elisvaldo da Silva. A dúvida radical e as provas da existência de Deus nas meditações metafísicas de Descartes. 2022. 42 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2022.