Significado do dinheiro: uma análise comparativa entre indivíduos adimplentes e inadimplentes
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This work was intended to conduct a study to investigate the meaning of the value of money to individuals in default and in default of the city of Uberlândia-MG, with reference to the database Serasa Experian, based on the scale of the Meaning of Money (ESD) developed by Moreira and Tamayo (1999). As a methodology, we carried out a descriptive study with quantitative approach, through an exploratory factor analysis with 60 people, among which 50% were delinquent in the situation,and the other 50% defaulting on the situation. We identified eight factors, among them Power, Stability, Pain, Budget (prudence), Achievement, Obsession, Retention and Evaluation. The results indicated that individuals in the situation of money in default attribute a meaning attached to ‘power’ and ‘obsession’ greater than the individuals in default. Have the money to the defaulting attribute a meaning that refers to the ‘stability’ rather than individuals in default. In short, it is believed that the money has meanings that go far beyond its primary function, it would be amedium of exchange. That is, there is the influence of other factors such as culture,social class, education, and various other characteristics inherent to each group of individuals.
Escala do significado dinheiro, Meaning of money scale, Psicologia econômica, Adimplentes, Inadimplentes, Psicologia do dinheiro, Economic pychology, Defaulting, Delinquent, Psychology of money
BORSATO, Jaluza Maria Lima Silva; GOMES, Túlio Gonçalves; PIMENTA, Daiana Paula; RIBEIRO, Kárem Cristina de Sousa. Significado do dinheiro: uma análise comparativa entre indivíduos adimplentes e inadimplentes. Revista do CCEI, v. 16, n. 30, p. 240-259, ago. 2012.