Climatologia geográfica e geomorfologia ambiental aplicadas ao ecoturismo

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Tourism is a highly relevant socioeconomic phenomenon that can’t be ignored, as it can generate both negative and positive impacts, as well as irreversible effects, as cultural alienation, exclusion of low-income populations and also on cave fauna and flora This phenomenon, which was segmented with capitalist development, develops through numerous aspects, among them the natural elements exploited by ecotourism, for example. Faced with so many components for the optimization of (eco) tourism, studies are of fundamental importance and can be done in the eyes of Geography, using the systemic method, which, therefore, is also the desired one for research on tourism. Thus, this work aims to propose a systemic view based on geographical knowledge for (eco)tourism practice. For this, Geographic Climatology and Geomorphology –Environmental –are fundamental to exemplify how geographic knowledge can enhance (eco) tourist activity. Barbiere (1981), Besancenot (1990) and Monteiro (2000) were the main interlocutors for this dialogue about climatological knowledge, while Christofoletti (1980), Ab'Saber (2003) and Guerra and Marçal (2014) were used for the discussion geomorphological; in Tourism, the main author used was Beni (2001). With the respective work, it is expected to draw attention to the importance of geographic knowledge, applied through the systemic method to the (eco) tourist practice.



Ecoturismo, Geografia, Climatologia geográfica, Geomorfologia, Método sistêmico, Ecotourism, Geography, Geographic climatology, Geomorphology, Systemic method


AGUIAR JUNIOR, Paulo Roberto Ferreira de; BARROS, Juliana Ramalho; OLIVEIRA, Ivanilton José de. Climatologia Geográfica e Geomorfologia Ambiental aplicadas ao Ecoturismo. Boletim de Geografia, Maringá, v. 40, p. 207-221, e62661, 2022. DOI: 10.4025/bolgeogr.v40.a2022.e62661. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024.