Análise eyetracking do uso da fotografia na divulgação científica
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This paper investigates photography as an enabling tool in the process
of understanding scientific knowledge by the general public. Our hypothesis is
that scientific texts, associated with photography, have major possibility to spark
the interest of general public and facilitate the understanding of the information.
It is based on Flusser's theory that images such as photography provide less
abstract thoughts than texts; in Samain's papers that classify photography as a
valuable way to communicate; and other scholars theories such as Correia,
Gruszynski and Castedo, Machado and Mora – who believe that speech and
writing no longer need to be the only forms of scientific communication. The
research is characterized as exploratory, with experimental – laboratory design
and it adopts qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results show different
patterns of reading, degree of attention and understanding of the scientific text,
when subjects are presented to different text structures. The results show
different patterns of reading, as much as different levels of attention and
understanding, when the subjects were presented to diverse text structures (text
with photos, text by itself and photos by themselves). The text with photos was
better understood and considered easy to read, followed by the text by itself. The
least understood material was the one that presented only photos. Participants
who read texts considered that photos helped reading and apprehending its
content. The group that read only photos missed the text. It is considered that the
research hypothesis was confirmed.
Popularização da ciência, Eye tracker, Fotografia, Popularization of science, Eye tracker, Photography
BARCELOS, Janinne; GOMES, Suely; OLIVEIRA, Frederico. Análise eyetracking do uso da fotografia na divulgação científica. Em Questão, Porto Alegre, v. 24, n. 2, p. 83-108, maio/ago. 2018.