Dilatação por cateter-balão (dacrioplastia) para tratamento das obstruções congênitas do ducto lacrimonasal
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Purpose: To verify the results of balloon-catheter dilatation for
the treatment of congenital lacrimal duct obstruction. To the best
of author’s knowledge this procedure has not been previously
used in Brazil and deserves scientific studies. Methods: Chil-
dren between 2 and 5 years old, with congenital lacrimal duct
obstruction, were treated with balloon-catheter dilatation
(Lacricath ® ). Catheter was introduced by the superior lacri-
mal punctum, under general anesthesia. Results: Twenty-seven
eyes were treated and 23 presented total improvement of epi-
phora signs and symptoms (85.2% success rate). During a one
year follow-up, all the procedures had good outcomes, without
complications and all the children had 1 year of follow-up.
Conclusion: Balloon-catheter dilatation is an efficient and safe
procedure and might be used for congenital lacrimal duct obs-
truction treatment in children older than 2 years.
Obstrução dos ductos lacrimais/congênito, Crianças, Dilatação com balão/métodos, Lacrimal duct obstruction/congenital, Balloon dilatation/methods, Children
CARVALHO, Roberto Murillo Limongi de Souza; SERONNI, Luigi Batista; ÁVILA, Marcos. Dilatação por cateter-balão (dacrioplastia) para tratamento das obstruções congênitas do ducto lacrimonasal. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, São Paulo, v. 72, n. 5, p. 669-672, 2009.