Estimativas da cobertura mamográfica no Estado de Goiás, Brasil
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This cross-sectional study aimed to estimate
mammogram coverage in the State of Goiás, Bra-
zil, describing the supply, demand, and variations
in different age groups, evaluating 98 mammog-
raphy services as observational units. We esti-
mated the mammogram rates by age group and
type of health service, as well as the number of
tests required to cover 70% and 100% of the tar-
get population. We assessed the association be-
tween mammograms, geographical distribution
of mammography machines, type of service, and
age group. Full coverage estimates, considering
100% of women in the 40-69 and 50-69-year age
brackets, were 61% and 66%, of which the Bra-
zilian Unified National Health System provided
13% and 14%, respectively. To achieve 70% cover-
age, 43,424 additional mammograms would be
needed. All the associations showed statistically
significant differences (p < 0.001). We conclude
that mammogram coverage is unevenly distrib-
uted in the State of Goiás and that fewer tests are
performed than required.
Mamography, Health Services Coverage, Breast neoplasms, Mamografia, Neoplasias de mama, Cobertura de Serviços de Saúde
CORRÊA, Rosangela da Silveira et al. Estimativas da cobertura mamográfica no Estado de Goiás, Brasil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 27, n. 9, p. 1757-1767, 2011.