Antifungal properties of brazilian cerrado plants


Ethanolic extracts from leaves of Hyptis ovalifolia, H. suaveolens, H. saxatilis, Hyptidendrum canum, Eugenia uniflora, E. dysenterica, Caryocar brasiliensis and Lafoensia pacari were investigated for their antifungal activity against dermatophytes. The most effective plants were H. ovalifolia and E. uniflora, while Trichophyton rubrum was the most sensitive among the four dermatophytes species evaluated. This study has demonstrated antifungal properties of Brazilian Cerrado plant extracts in “in vitro” assays.



Dermatophytes, Antifungal activity, Plant extracts, Susceptibility tests, Dermatófitos, Atividade antifúngica, Extratos de plantas, Teste de suscetibilidade


SOUZA, Lúcia Kioto e et al. Antifungal properties of brazilian cerrado plants. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, São Paulo, v. 33, n. 3, p. 247-249, July/Sept. 2002.