Comércio justo: uma perspectiva regional


The present work analyzes the importance of the Fair Commerce process inside of a cooperative that in such a way aims at the success and the continuous perfectioning of the actors of the production and also the consumers. The strategy of information and transmission of data of dynamic form is emphasized and it continues that they can take the productive chain, the profitability, preventing the social injustices. Inside of the world-wide economic context, the Fair Commerce appears as a viable alternative to provide that the small entrepreneurs have access to the market in fair conditions. The research has as base the Cooperfamiliar, having as theoretician reference the concepts of Days (2004), Catteli (1972), Perez Júnior (1995) and others. This research was divided in parts. In the first part, a review of literature will be boarded, after a confrontation between the theory and practical and finally the analysis of the data.



Cooperativismo, Comercio Justo, Sustentabilidade, Cooperative, Fair trade, Sustainability


BARUNCHELLI, Arianne Borges; SILVA, Camila Mendanha; SILVA, Francyelle Pereira da. Comércio justo: uma perspectiva regional. 2008. 88 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.