A rede construcional do esquema focalizador [que só] no português brasileiro

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Language meanings are subjectively constituted in communication practices, within the scope of semantic, and pragmatic domains. In this perspective, grammar can be characterized as a network of constructions in constant changes, whose analyzes carries until the limit the inseparable relationship between form and meaning constituted in language usage. In turn, the linguistic change is inherent to the functioning of the language, occurring in a gradual, radial and inseparable way from usage contexts. Thus, in this article, from a constructional approach, based on Construction Grammar’s propositions, represented especially by Langacker (2009), Goldberg (1995; 2006), Bybee (2006; 2010; 2015), Traugott e Dasher (2005), Traugott (2008), Traugott e Trousdale (2010; 2013), Diessel (2015), Oliveira e Rosário (2015), among others, we analyzed the focus construction scheme [que só] in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. Focusing is a construction, an abstract entity constituted by pairings of form and meaning and presupposes the domains of emphasis, contrast, and intensification of world knowledge shared by speakers. The constructions [que só] works in pragmatic function of focus, and their constitution arises from the combination of two recurrent focus structures in the Portuguese language. We define the subschemas and usage contexts of Micro constructions derived from the scheme [que só] at the semantic, syntactic, and discursive-pragmatic levels. The degrees of abstraction from focusers usages are also described. The results demonstrate a superposition of the comparison and intensification domains, revealing a kind of focusing superschema in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese.



Gramática de construções, Construções focalizadoras, [Que só], Construction grammar, Focusing constructions


JUSTINO, Agameton Ramsés; CASSEB-GALVÃO, Vânia Cristina. A rede construcional do esquema focalizador [que só] no português brasileiro. Gragoatá, Niterói, v. 25, n. 52, p. 627-647, maio/ago. 2020. DOI: 10.22409/gragoata.v25i52.40830. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/40830. Acesso em: 24 abr. 2023.