Variedades de citros mais suscetíveis ao ataque de macropophora accentifer (Olivier, 1795) coleoptera, cerambycidae
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Antônio Henrique Garcia
The preference for oviposition and/or alimentation was observed in Macropophora accentifer females in a mixed yard, composed by cravo and rio tangerines, baianinha and natal oranges, tangor sabarã and cravo lemon. The plants were 5 to 20 years old, and the yard was abandoned and cultivated with a distance of JO m between plants. The females were labeled with dye ink in the pronotum region. Manual collection, labeling, release and recapture were carried out in september/october/november, and in march/april/may. A total of23 l females insects were co\lected in each variety, labeled and immediately released in different varieties, includind those were they were firstly. Toe recaptures were carried out twelve days after each release; 30 releases and 50 recaptures were performed. The preference was determined considering the number of female insects that remained, retumed ar migrated to each one of the citrus varieties. It was observed that 2.16% of the fema1es retumed to the varieties where they were previously colletect, 59.31% remained in the variety where they were released, 30.74% migrated to different varieties, and 7. 79% were not recaptured. The cravo tangerine presented 46. 75% of preference, foJlowed by tangor sabará whit 16.88o/o., baianinha orange whith 10.82%, natal orange whit 9,95% and rio tangerine whit 7.8%. Cravo lemon did not present any preference by the insect females.
GARCIA, Antonio Henrique; VELOSO, Valquíria Rocha Santos; CUNHA, Marcos Gomes da. Variedades de citros mais suscetíveis ao ataque de macropophora accentifer (Olivier, 1795) coleoptera, cerambycidae. Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 23, n. 1, p. 187-197, jan./dez. 1993. Disponível em: <>.