A aesthesis afrodiaspórica na poética de Leodegária de Jesus

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First of all this article approaches Leodegária de Jesus’ poetic from the perspective of aphrodiasphoric aesthesis, a way of confronting the modern aesthetic inherited from colonialism and sustained by coloniality. For this reason the purpose of the proposed discussion is to show how the wanderings and unrest of Leodegária de Jesus, due to the displacements that she was forced to, impacted her life and manifested in her work. By the way, the procedures for interpreting of the author’s works follow the guidelines of the Decolonial Esthetic Paradigm (GOMEZ; MIGNOLO, 2012; REZENDE, 2019). The result points to a singular poetic expression of Romanticism, in the form of banzo verses, that is, the poetization of banzo. Therefore, her poetic form, different from the Brazilian romantic sentimentality of the 19th century, distances the woman author from the poets and from authors men and brings her closer to the black poets and authors (women) of Romanticism. So this is that I understand by aphrodiasphoric aesthesis.



Leodegária de Jesus, Literatura feminina negra, Aesthesis afrodiaspórica, Poesia afrodiaspórica, Verso-banzo, Black female literature, Aphrodiasporic aesthesis, Aphrodiasporic poetry, Banzo-verse


REZENDE, Tânia Ferreira. A aesthesis afrodiaspórica na poética de Leodegária de Jesus. Leitura em Revista, Rio de Janeiro, n. 16, p. 83-105, abr. 2020. Disponível em: https://iiler.puc-rio.br/portal/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ler_16_2020.pdf. Acesso em: 20 abr. 2023.