Mapeamento geológico-estrutural e estudo do potencial exploratório de mineralizações auríferas em metadolomitos da área adjacente a unidade Mineração Serra Grande, município de Crixás (GO)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The mineral deposits of the Crixás Greenstone belt (GBC) are inserted in the context of the Goiás Granite-Greenstone belts Terranes and comprise one of the largest gold reserves in Brazil. The ore bodies explored in Mineração Serra Grande (MSG) unit encompass several lithotypes with mineralization hosted in zones closely related to structural and hydrothermalized domains. The gold mineralizations hosted in Structure IV metadolomites of the Ribeirão das Antas Formation are one of the main challenges of the operation, due to the complexity of the mineralization model, which is still unexplored in calciosilicate rocks from Greenstone belt environments. This work aimed at geological-structural mapping on a 1:15,000 scale of an area of approximately 27 km2 located on the western and southern margins of the Serra Grande Mining site, the study of exploratory potential for the metadolomites of the Ribeirão das Antas Formation was also commented, especially for the layers that are expoused on surface to the south of the mapped area. Three deformational events were identified in the area: D0+D1, D2 and D3 which correspond, respectively, to S0//S1, referring to the primary bedding parallel to the schistosity generated by an E-W compression; S2, referring to a schistosity generated by the thrusting of the Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc at north of the GBC; and S3, which summarizes an E-W compression reported in crenulation cleavages. Field data obtained from surface, mine mapping and description of drilling cores integrated with three-dimensional geological models were used to evaluate the exploratory potential of the metadolomite bodies outcropping in the southern portion of the MSG and their relationship with the mineralized structures in other areas of the deposit. The product generated in this work aims to expand knowledge of the geometry and spatiality of these lithologies in order to facilitate and reduce initial costs of advanced drilling campaigns in the area, in addition to proposing a model of interaction between the gold mineralizations of these layers and the explored structures in MSG.



Greenstone belt de Crixás, Mapeamento geológico-estrutural, Mineralização aurífera, Metadolomitos, Geological-structural mapping, Gold mineralization, Metadolomites


SANTOS, Karina Louanny de Paula; SOUZA, Lauriana Vitória Gonçalves; MACHADO, Victtor Gabriell de Lima. Mapeamento geológico-estrutural e estudo do potencial exploratório de mineralizações auríferas em metadolomitos da área adjacente a unidade Mineração Serra Grande, município de Crixás (GO). 2024. 174 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Geologia) - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2024.