A produção de queijos no sertão sergipano troca de mãos: uma questão de gênero
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We aim at changing the rural areas of the Sertão Sergipano
of San Francisco under the food system by highlighting the
issue of gender in the process of the production of cheese.
With the inclusion of public policies, new practices were
introduced to provide a rapid deforestation of the original
vegetation caatinga. Grasses are resistant to estiagem while
reducing as agricultural activities as the production of foods:
beans, cassava and maize. It expands to livestock by building
fi nancial resources released by the “state” in incessant
search to achieve the modernization of agriculture. Besides
the changes in environment, changes occur in the context of
social relations and cultural practices. Traditionally the family
farmers had to produce milk intended for self-consumption in
the form in natura or producing derivatives such as cheese
and homemade butter on the responsibility of women. With the
advancement of livestock, this activity turns into a male work,
and new types of networks start in the market.
Identidade cultural, Cultural identity, Gênero, Pecuária, Políticas públicas, Gender, Livestock, Public policie
MENEZES, Sônia de Souza Mendonça; ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de. A produção de queijos no sertão sergipano troca de mãos: uma questão de gênero. RA'E GA, Curitiba, n. 16, p. 47-54, 2008.