Critérios de interpretação de qualidade do solo para a cultura do algodoeiro produzido do cerrado goiano


The objective of this paper was to establish criteria of interpretation of indicating variable of quality of the soil in the culture of the cotton plant, for the central region of Goias, by means of levels of sufficiency. In commercial areas of cotton 203 cultivated had been selected parcels of 60 m2 in different systems of tillage. In each plot soil and leaf samples had been collected, for the accomplishment of the chemical analyses. The univariate analyses of the data had been carried through and, only using the data of the plots of high productivity (average value = 3,114, 00 kg ha- 1), had been made regression analyses, generating the levels of sufficiency for each indicating variable of the quality of the soil. The results had shown that the chemical indicator, in special the micronutrients, Cu, Mn and Zn had not been sensible to form adequate bands of sufficiency. However, the levels of sufficiency for the excessively changeable ones had revealed adequate, being possible an approach of criteria of interpretation for the culture of the cotton plant in the Cerrado, consisting valuable tool for the monitoring and evaluation of the soil quality.



Gossypium hisrsutum L., Estado nutricional de plantas, Indicadores de qualidade do solo, Gossypium hisrsutum L., Gossypium hisrsutum L., Soil properties, Mineral nutrition of plants


MORAIS, Nara Rúbia de; CORRECHEL, Vladia; LEANDRO, Wilson Mozena; FERNANDES, Eliana Paula; GODOY, Sinnara Gomes de. Critérios de interpretação de qualidade do solo para a cultura do algodoeiro produzido do cerrado goiano. Bioscience Journal, Uberlândia, v. 25, n. 3, p. 129-140, maio/jun. 2009.