Ultrassonografia no diagnóstico e na avaliação da hiperplasia prostática benigna


OBJECTIVE: To review the literature of the past five years related to the use of ultrasound as a method of identification, assessment and diagnosis of BPH. METHODOLOGY: The research sources were Medline, Pubmed and SciElo. RESULTS: Many noninvasive ultrasonographic indexes are arising along the years. One of the useful non-invasive predictors to manage and follow-up the BHP is the intravesical prostatic protrusion that is easily measured and with good reproducibility by transabdominal ultrasound. Furthermore, the development of the eccentricity parameter-based correction to the ellipsoid formula showed a greater accuracy to evaluation the prostatic grown in the BHP initial stages. CONCLUSION: Notwithstanding there is no consensus among the specialists about the use of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of BPH, new ultrasonographic techniques are in development. Between then, the intravesical prostatic protrusion measured by transrectal ultrasound or transabdominal ultrasound and the eccentricity parameter-based correction index to calculate the prostatic volume by transabdominal ultrasonography showed the most promising results hitherto.



Ultrassonografia, Volume prostático, Hiperplasia prostática benigna, Ultrassonografia transabdominal, Diagnóstico, Ultrassonografia transretal


SILVA, Renato Nogueira da et al. Ultrassonografia no diagnóstico e na avaliação da hiperplasia prostática benigna. RBUS: revista brasileira de ultra-sonografia, Goiânia, v. 16, p. 46-49, 2014.