Ilíada para crianças: a adaptação como configuração do épico na modernidade

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To carry through the reading of an epic Greek in its original form is a challenge for readers even specialized. In this context, the adaptations had gained space in the publishing market - as much for adults, how much for children - and had suffered many critical ones, accused with, on behalf of the intelligible, to diminish the literary value of the classics. However, if to change the focus of analysis, will be that this would not be a new configuration of the epic sort in modernity? To answer to this question, we analyze the workmanship Ruth Rocha counts the Iliad, an adaptation of the classic of Homero for children.



Epopeia, Epic, Adaptação, Literatura infantil, Adaptation, Children's literature


OLIVEIRA, Meirilayne Ribeiro de; SOUZA, Jamesson Buarque de. Ilíada para crianças: a adaptação como configuração do épico na modernidade. Signo, Santa Cruz do Sul, v. 36, n. 60, p. 75-90, jan./jun. 2011.