“Escolhe uma palavra e diz alguma coisa”: reflexões sobre a apresentação dos cursos de licenciatura em artes visuais no espaço das profissões da UFG


This text is written by many hands and is presented not only as an intellectual challenge: it is also a provocation of sociability. From different perspectives, we reflected about the event “Professional Spaces”, through which we observed and examined the environments dedicated to the Teacher Training Program in Visual Arts, including the distance learning modality. We propose a discussion about its implications to us as students of the Graduate Program in Art and Visual Culture, and as visitors of the event. We point out some of these impressions highlighting points, such as teaching imaginary and contemporary pedagogic practice in arts education, positions which are based on the discussions of the discipline Special Topics in Visual Education offered by the Graduate Program in Art and Visual Culture of the College of Visual Arts, UFG.



Experiência coletiva, Prática pedagógica e arte, Docência, Collective experience, Teaching, Practice teaching and art


TOURINHO, Irene et al. Escolhe uma palavra e diz alguma coisa: reflexões sobre a apresentação dos cursos de licenciatura em artes visuais. Revista Digital do LAV, Santa Maria, n. 6, p. 1-14, 2011.