Diagnósticos de enfermagem em pessoas com hanseníase: aproximação entre teoria de Orem e a CIPE®


To analyze the profile of nursing diagnoses in people with leprosy based on Orem’s theory and the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®). Method: cross-sectional, descriptive study of 24 people with leprosy in outpatient care. Data collection occurred through nursing consultations in the light of Orem’s theory, using interviews and clinical examination. Results: The process of nursing diagnoses development was based on clinical reasoning, the seven-axis model of the ICNP® and the ISO 18104. The diagnostic inferences were validated by three judges. Conclusion: Sixty nursing diagnoses were identified, 51.6% of which were classified as health deviation self-care requisites. The diagnostic profile indicates specific self-care demands of this population and the need for the organization of interventions based on the supportive-educative system.



Enfermagem, Teoria de enfermagem, Classificação, Hanseníase, Doenças transmissíveis, Terminologia padronizada em enfermagem, Nursing, Nursing theory, Classification, Leprosy, Communicable diseases, Standardized nursing terminology


OLIVEIRA, Michele Dias da Silva; LIMA, Juliana de Oliveira Roque e; GALDINO JÚNIOR, Hélio; GARCIA, Telma Ribeiro; BACHION, Maria Márcia. Diagnósticos de enfermagem em pessoas com hanseníase: aproximação entre teoria de Orem e a CIPE®. Revista eletrônica de enfermagem, Goiânia, v. 22, 2020. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/fen/article/view/63602.