Implantes eletrônicos para restabelecimento da visão em cegos


Recent success in the development of a prosthesis for the deaf patient encouraged several groups of scientists to deve- lop and investigate a visual prosthesis. Visual prosthesis are based on neuronal electrical stimulation at different locations along the visual pathways, and three localizations of visual prosthesis are being researched, retina, optic nerve, and cortex. Retina and optic nerve implants may restore vision in patients with progressive retinal degenerations by means of electrical stimulation of visual pathway neurons. Cortex pros- thesis may restore vision in a greater number of blind patients due to the more posterior location in the visual pathway. While major advances have been made in the field of visual prosthesis for the blind, a number of key questions remain to render a visual prosthesis feasible. Yet, investigation is justi- fied regarding the long-term effects and functioning of the various electronic implants. Here we review shortly the ratio- nale for such treatment, the three different possibilities of stimulating the visual pathway, and what are the challenges yet to be surpassed.



Degeneração macular, Macular degeneration, Envelhecimento/cegueira, eletrodos implantados, Implante de prótese, Retina/cirurgia, Nervo óptico/fisiologia, Retinite pigmentosa, Estimulação elétrica, Glaucoma, Córtex visual/fisiologia, Aging/blindness, Glaucoma, Electrodes, implanted, Optic nerve/physiology, Prosthesis implantation, Electric stimulation, Retina/surgery, Visual cortex/physiology, Retinitis pigmentosa


RODRIGUES, Eduardo Buchele et al. Implantes eletrônicos para restabelecimento da visão em cegos. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, São Paulo, v. 67, n. 2, p. 359-369, 2004.