Biblioteca solidária: inserção da leitura terapêutica no ambiente hospitalar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


We present in this work some conceptual aspects and historical Bibliotherapy Hospital from the perspective of several sources of information, bringing parts of theoretical and historical reading and its therapeutic functions, as well as the elements and components biblioterapeuticos used by his executioners. He worked in the form of experience reports, a survey taken as its main focus the project Library 'Solidarity', an action developed by the Sesc University that employs creative reading of playful way, as a contribution to the comfort of patients admitted to public hospitals in Goiania. Also expose some experiences of cases published on the practice of bibliotherapy successful in health units. Having as objective to understand the scenario on the results in which we discover that the project object of this research it is whether or not an action of bibliotherapy, as well as what elements or components biblioterapeuticos has been used in this action. After catalogd facts, finally there will be the conclusion of this whole survey.



Biblioterapia, Leitura terapêutica, Sesc, Biblioteca solidária, Relato de esperiência


ABREU, Denise Coimbra de. Biblioteca solidária: inserção da leitura terapêutica no ambiente hospitalar. 2014. 91 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.