Alterações na Declaração de Helsinque – a história continua
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The following article analyses the history paper played by Helsink Statement in the field of ethics in
research with humans beings. The aforesaid document, built and reviewed several times during annual
Meetings promoted by The World Medical Association, nevertheless began to receive severe criticism
of the USA from the years 90's. Concerning this document, mainly, the articles 19, 29, and 30 had their
legitimacy put under challenge. The referred articles are related to a double standard research usage as
ethics measurement and a non obligation for clinical investigation sponsors to keep themselves
responsible for any attention those related subjects after completed assays. This document analyses all
long process for changing attempts, severely criticized under bioethics about the point of view, sided
and imperialist US positions.
Ethics in research, Ética em pesquisa, Helsinki Statement, United States of America, Double standard, Moral imperialism, The World Medical Association, Declaração de Helsinque, Double standard, Estados Unidos da América, Assembléia Médica Mundial, Imperialismo moral
GARRAFA, Volnei; PRADO, Mauro Machado. Alterações na Declaração de Helsinque - a história continua. Revista Bioética, Brasília, DF, v. 15, n. 1, p. 11-25, 2007.