Administração de acetato de melengestrol após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em vacas Nelore lactantes
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The objective of the present study was to assess
the effect of administration of Melengestrol
Acetate (MGA® Premix) after FTAI, on the
conception rate in lactating Nelore breed cows.
Experiment I, assessed the effect of
administration of 2.28 g MGA/cow/day, from
day 13 (D13) until day 18 (D18) after FTAI.
The cow were divided into two groups, Group I
(n=83, control) that cows were submitted just to
FTAI and Group II (n=104, treated) that cows
received MGA after FTAI. Experiment II,
assessed the effect of administration of 2.28g
MGA/cow/day, from day 5 (D5) until day 10
(D10) after FTAI. The cow were divided into
two groups, Group I (n=94, control) that cows
were submitted just to FTAI and Group II
(n=100, treated) that cows received MGA after
FTAI. Gestation was diagnosed in both
experiments 45 days after FTAI. The conception
rates were analyzed by Qui-Square test. In
experiment I, The conception rates were 42,16%
for control group and 50,0% for treated group
(p>0,05). In Experiment II, the conception rate
of control group (47,87%) was higher than
treated group (28,0%). It was conclude that
administration of MGA®Premix from D13 until
D18 after FTAI didn’t affect the conception
rate. However, when administered from D5
until D10, reduced the conception rate in
lactating Nelore breed cows.
Ambiente uterino, Progestágeno, Sincronização de ovulação, Taxa de concepção, Conception rate, Ovulation synchronization, Progestogen, Uterine environment
RODRIGUES, Moraima Castro et al. Administração de acetato de melengestrol após inseminação artificial em tempo fixo em vacas nelore lactantes. Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, Salvador, v. 15, n. 2, p. 361-368, abr./jun. 2014.