Panorama do saneamento básico na região metropolitana de Goiânia
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The Metropolis Statute, introduced by Law nº 13,089/2015, established guidelines for urban planning, including directions for the Integrated Development Plan of the Metropolitan Region (PDI-RM)development. Previously, the State of Goiás had already started the procedures for the Integrated Development Plan of Greater Goiânia (PDI-RMG), wich were updated considering the new legislation. As part of the PDI-RMG, it was proposed the development of the section “Water and Sanitation; Alternative Energy/Technology”, which is expected to contribute with proposals to environmental sustainability and infrastructure. In this context, this study focuses on the water supply and sewage, composing the sanitation axis of the section. This study presents an overview of the water supply and sanitation conditions for the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG), based on documental and literature review, and data survey. It was found that 90.52% of the RMG population is served with water supply, while 56.06% is attended with sewage service. This numbers are associated with the city’s population and their respective geographical closeness to the capital. In addition to the data, the results indicate the inadequacy of the instruments in the integrated planning of RMG.
Saneamento básico, Região metropolitana de Goiânia, Plano de desenvolvimento integrado, Basic sanitation, Greater Goiânia, Integrated development plan
SACHO, Sara Duarte; HORA, Karla Emmanuela. Panorama do saneamento básico na região metropolitana de Goiânia. Desenvolvimento em Questão, Ijuí, v. 15, n. 41, p. 498–522, out./dez. 2017.