Macro captura fluvial no nordeste do Planalto Central: resultados preliminares


In this paper, a macro river capture, the order of 3.500km ² in the NE inter- plateau edge of the Brazilian Central Plateau is identified, characterized and analyzed. The results demonstrate that large captures are not restricted to passive margin dynamic and show that the same evolutionary model from this margin can be applied to this capture. The scarp front retreated ~ 6km, having channel with inverted flow and channel incision over 50km upwards since the captured.



Morphodynamic, Morfodinâmica, Scarp, Brazilian Central Plateau, Escarpa, Planalto Central


CHEREM, L. F. S.; ZANCOPE, M. H. C.; BAYER, M. Macro captura fluvial no nordeste do Planalto Central: resultados preliminares. Revista Geonorte, Manaus, v. 10, n. 4, p. 86-91, 2014. Edição especial 4.