Chuvas intensas relacionadas à erosão hídrica


The most important rainfall characteristics on erosion process are the relationship between intensity, duration and frequency of precipitation and its erosivity. As the soil is a slow renewal resource and can be quickly degraded by erosion, the knowledge about how the precipitation acts in the environment is fundamental. In this way, the development of techniques, technologies and the establishment of actions to diagnose, to evaluate and to present solutions to erosion problems is important both economically and environmentally. Many studies, including research results and development of models have correlated precipitations characteristics in order to understand, to predict and to present solutions for the erosion problem. In this sense, some of these studies were compiled with the purpose of presenting the “state of the art” with respect to precipitations, soil management and water erosion.



Escoamento superficial, Perda de solo e água, Intensidade-duração-frequência, Modelos hidrológicos, Runoff, Water and soil loss, Intensity-duration-frequency, Hidroligic models


SANTOS, Glenio G.; GRIEBELER, Nori P.; OLIVEIRA, Luiz F. C. de. Chuvas intensas relacionadas à erosão hídrica. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, Campina Grande, v. 14, n. 2, p. 115-123, 2010.