As ações de extensão do Centro de Práticas Corporais da FEFD/UFG durante a pandemia da Covid-19
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This monographic work aims to describe the actions and extension projects of the CPC/FEFD during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a descriptive-exploratory document analysis research, the research analyzed official documents through the CPC/FEFD and UFG website, as well as the Integrated Academic Activities Management System (SIGAA) and what they made available to us. The research explores the definitions of extension, seeking to show the influence of extension on academic training. It addresses the University Extension at UFG and FEFD in the context of the arrival of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil and the impacts it has brought. Finally, the work presents the extension actions of the Corporal Practices Center (CPC) during the pandemic, describing what actions were offered, how they were offered, the project coordinators and number of vacancies available. The considerations built through the work were that: there is a limitation of data availability on the FEFD and CPC sites; there is little data on the history of the CPC in the FEFD; and no normative or regulatory document of the program's extension actions were found in the official publications of the CPC/FEFD. Despite this, it is clear that the CPC/FEFD was planned during the COVID-19 pandemic, adjusting to the new reality that arrived in Brazil, so that it was able to show that despite the troubled moment in which the country found itself, it managed to maintain its social commitment to the community.
Extensão universitária, Educação Física, Centro de Práticas Corporais, COVID-19, University extension, Physical Education, Center for Body Practices, COVID-19
NOGUEIRA, Felipe Castro. As ações de extensão do Centro de Práticas Corporais da FEFD/UFG durante a pandemia da COVID-19. 2022. 73 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia-GO, 2022.