Accidental capture of the arboreal rodent Rhipidomys cf. macrurusin a mist-net in Silvânia National Forest, Brazil


Describimos un evento de captura incidental de un individuo de Rhipidomys cf. macrurusen una red de niebla durante muestreo de quirópteros realizadoen la Unidad de Conservación del Bosque Nacional Silvânia, municipio de Silvânia, Goiás, Brasil. La captura de animales que no sean avesy murciélagos en redes de niebla es excepcional, por lo que nuestro registro es uno de los pocos reportados en la literaturaque involucra a un roedor. Suponemosque el individuo se enredó mientras buscaba alimento en la vegetación que rodeaba la red.
We describe a bycatch event of an individual of Rhipidomys cf. macrurusin a mist-net during a chiroptera survey carried out inthe Conservation Unit Silvânia National Forest, Silvânia municipality, Goiás, Brazil.Catching animals other than birds and bats in mist-nets is exceptional, so our record is one of the few reported in the literature and involving a rodent. Presumable theindividual became entangled while foraging in the vegetation surrounding the mis-net.



FLONA-Silvânia, Monitoreo, Red de niebla, Murciélagos, Rata, Monitoring, Mist net, Bats, Rat


BENVINDO-SOUZA, Marcelino et al. Accidental capture of the arboreal rodent Rhipidomys cf. macrurusin a mist-net in Silvânia National Forest, Brazil. Mammalogy Notes, [s. l.], v. 7, n. 1, e202, 2021. DOI: 10.47603/mano.v7n1.202. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 set. 2024.