Direitos humanos e a lógica do “governo da vida da população”: a constituição do conceito de ‘deficiência’ como positividade de inclusão
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This article aims to problematize the relation between the human rights, the education policies for disabled people and the concept of biopower elaborated by Michel Foucault. Starting from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and sumarily pursuing the history of the rights of minority groups, as in the case of disabled people, the text seeks to highlight that there are singularities in the flow of the events that are manifest in speeches of different areas. Therefore, under the background of Foucault's perpective, the text indicates that principles relating to the human rights actually represents conditions for the establishment of neoliberal policies, such as for the government of bodies. The cientific speech and the religious speech, for example, contributed (and contributes) for the formation of these discursive practices that mold a big social network, envolving human rights, educational inclusion and market. With effect, it is possible that this same plot made the freedom to resist become possible, giving place for the struggle for space and voice by the historically excluded subjects from the social enviroment. When problematizing these questions, it is intended to arouse a reflexion about the reality of the disabled people education, aiming a more conscious act in relation to what occurs in the interstices of current sayings.
Direitos humanos, Educação de pessoas com deficiência, Biopoder, Human rights, Disabled people education, Biopower
CARVALHO, Lorena Resende; COSTA, Alexandre Ferreira. Direitos humanos e a lógica do “governo da vida da população”: a constituição do conceito de ‘deficiência’ como positividade de inclusão. Web-Revista Sociodialeto, Mato Grosso do Sul, v. 8, n. 23, p. 80-94, ago./nov. 2017.