Análise das relações entre solos, relevo e a legislação ambiental para a delimitação das áreas de preservação permanente:o exemplo da alta bacia do Ribeirão João Leite, estado de Goiás


The delimitation of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) frequently consider only the channel’s boards in function of its large, and not others important kinds of geomorphological features as the hillslope’s top and its sequences, the top line of water divisor, the board zone of high tabular or plateau surfaces and the high slope sectors, as well determine the environmental law. The application of the law intends, commonly, an important preservation area but sometimes the law is not available because the calculus is complicated by consequence of concept interpretations of the geomorphological and pedological terms witch involve geomorphological and pedological concepts needing more discussion. This article result from one study case developed in João Leite microbasin, located near Goiânia city, over its green belt, state of Goiás, in order to illustrate this problem. There the total of these others areas is bigger than the correspondent areas of marginal boards, and take about 70,5%, in average, of the microbasin, except high slope (33%), mostly under unauthorized use, indicating that these abiantal rules should be considered in unabrogatory unuse.



Permanent preservation areas, Áreas de preservação permanente, Hillslopes, Escarpments, Water divisor, Tabular and plateau boards, Morro, Escarpa, Uso do solo, Cumeada, Tabuleiro, Land use


NEVES, Cleuler Barbosa das; CASTRO, Selma S. de; SANTOS, Nivaldo dos; BORGES, Raphael de Oliveira. Análise das relações entre solos, relevo e a legislação ambiental para a delimitação das áreas de preservação permanente:o exemplo da alta bacia do Ribeirão João Leite, estado de Goiás. Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 1, p. 3-21, 2009.