A expansão do agronegócio x psicodinâmica do trabalho: um estudo sobre os trabalhadores das usinas sucroalcooleiras do sudoeste goiano
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo haceruna correlación entre la expansión del agronegocio en la microrregión del suroeste goiano y la psicodinámica de trabajo, en lo que concierne a las vivencias de placer y sufrimiento en el trabajo y sus estrategias defensivas de enfrentamiento. La metodología utilizada para esta investigación fue de carácter cualitativo, ya que la investigación cualitativa debe ser un proceso constructivo. Los sujetos de la investigación son trabajadores de las usinas sucroalcoholeras de la región. Los instrumentos de investigación se utilizaron cuestionarios y entrevistas individuales. Siendo una investigación cualitativa, se utilizan de forma semiestructurada, con un solo o varios trabajadores. Después de una breve presentación de la teoría citada, se concluye que los trabajadores sienten placer al realizar el trabajo, pero los mismos presentan evidente cansancio físico y mental aunque la satisfacción y la felicidad se mencionaron también.
The purpose of this study is to correlate the expansion of agribusiness in the southwestern micro region of Goiania with work that relates to the experiences of Pleasure and suffering at work and their defensive coping strategies. The methodology used for this research was qualitative, since qualitative research should be a constructive process. The research subjects are workers from sugarcane mills in the region. As research instruments were used questionnaires and individual interviews because it a qualitative research, are used semi-structured, with a single or several workers. After a brief presentation of the theory cited, it is concluded that the workers feel pleasure to carry out the work, but they present evident physical and mental fatigue although satisfaction and happiness were also mentioned.
The purpose of this study is to correlate the expansion of agribusiness in the southwestern micro region of Goiania with work that relates to the experiences of Pleasure and suffering at work and their defensive coping strategies. The methodology used for this research was qualitative, since qualitative research should be a constructive process. The research subjects are workers from sugarcane mills in the region. As research instruments were used questionnaires and individual interviews because it a qualitative research, are used semi-structured, with a single or several workers. After a brief presentation of the theory cited, it is concluded that the workers feel pleasure to carry out the work, but they present evident physical and mental fatigue although satisfaction and happiness were also mentioned.
Expansão, Agronegócio, Psicodinâmica do trabalho, Expansión, Agronegocio, Psicodinámica del trabajo, Expansion, Agribusiness, Psychodynamics of work
PIRES, Roseli Vieira; CHAVEIRO, Eguimar Felício. A expansão do agronegócio x psicodinâmica do trabalho: um estudo sobre os trabalhadores das usinas sucroalcooleiras do sudoeste goiano. Pegada, Presidente Prudente, v. 19, n. 2, p. 192-211, 2018. DOI: 10.33026/peg.v19i2.5571. Disponível em: https://revista.fct.unesp.br/index.php/pegada/article/view/5571. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.