Gravidez na adolescência: percepções e perspectivas


This article presents a survey of pregnant adolescents, whose objectives were to evaluate the experience of teenage pregnancy, with a convenience sample, the Girls Project Light was concluded that the participants took the pregnancy, presence of fear that body does not return to what it was and there was no planning of their actions and not have predicted the possible consequences of their actions, participation in religious spaces was not a protective factor against early pregnancy, however, become pregnant in adolescence should be seen as a form of protection against defects.



Gravidez na adolescência, Fator de proteção, Fator de risco, Adolescência, Teenage pregnancy, Risk factor, Adolescence, A protective factor


BORGES, Juliana de Moura; ZANINI, Daniela Sacramento; NAZARENO, Elias; MENDONÇA, Helenides. Gravidez na adolescência: percepções e perspectivas. Estudos, Goiânia, v. 36, n. 1/2, p. 171-189, jan./fev. 2009.