Risco de impactos ambientais gerados pela dinâmica de uso do solo no estado de Goiás: uma abordagem multimétodos

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This article analyzes the dynamics of land use between the main agricultural activities in the state of Goiás and the risks of impacts of this process on alternative crops, the consumptive use of water in remnant forest areas, and the risks of land degradation and water contamination. From a multimethod approach combining econometric methods, statistical, geographic, geological and agricultural, we identifi ed, as a result of this dynamic, specialized municipalities in each of these activities, in which the soybean and corn replace the pasture farming, moving it to other areas, where it makes the most responsible for deforestation. In addition, part of this specialization was located in risk areas, indicating that these agricultural activities may be the most responsible for edaphic and hydrologic impacts observed on the scale of river basins.



Impactos ambientais, Bovinocultura, Soja, Milho, Dinâmica de uso do solo, Environmental impacts, Cattle, Soybean, Corn, Dynamic of land use


ABDALA, Klaus de Oliveira; RIBEIRO, Francis Lee; FERREIRA, Manuel Eduardo. Risco de impactos ambientais gerados pela dinâmica de uso do solo no estado de Goiás: uma abordagem multimétodos. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 68, n. 2, p. 235, fev. 2016.